Sunday 21 August 2011

Apollo Junk- Random Doctor Who stuff

Get your hands on this cool corset via link. It works in the same way as the Tardis making things that are bigger on the inside look smaller on the outside. I reckon Idris from The Doctor's Wife should have donned this outfit!

Matt Smith has been snapped whilst filming for a new BBC drama. He will star in Bert and Dickie as the1948 Olympic gold medallist Bert Bushnell. Matt sailor hats are not cool. Source

There is a downside to The Silence's powers. Poor guy. (Click for larger picture) I found this great image here.

This just got interesting... (Spoilers)

Something I just saw on has left me very shocked and also very excited. The character Mel's who was thought to be a new companion for Let's Kill Hitler is said to be Melody Pond! I mean the name Mel's would have been a huge clue but we were told she was a friend of Amy's and the fact she is dark skinned threw me off the scent completely. So this must be a regeneration of Melody (maybe after Day of the Moon?) and she must turn into Alex Kingston's River Song at the end of this episode. This is very intresting and I cant wait to see her on screen. I don't think I can imagine anyone else playing River/Melody other than Alex Kingston but then again I bet people thought that having someone else play The Doctor after Hartnell would be hard to take. Of course this could all be false but Combom is very reliable and he says the BBC were due to announce it this week anyway. Tune in Saturday to find out! Source